Electronics Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya. Kampus perjuangan, kampus tradisi juara... JOSS!

This is my passion

Dimana ada alam, disitu ada kami. Salam lestari, Lestari alamku!


MEKATRONIKA. Mekanika, Electronika, dan Informatika. Excelsior!

This is creativity of mechatronics

Tim robot pens hadir dalam setiap event dan tetap tradisi juara


Muhammad Zainur Rofit.... find me at Instagram or Twitter @rofitzen

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Hello everyone, I want to introduce my self to you. My name is Muhammad Zainur Rofit and you can call me Rofit. I was born in Malang, february 9th 1996. It means that I’m eighteen years old right now. In my family, my father name is Mr. Suwarno and my mother name is Mrs. Suma’illa. I have a eldest sister, her name is Vina. I am the second child and the last child in my happy family. I’am from Malang city, but now I’am in Gebang wetan street gg1 no 14, sukolilo, surabaya.

Nowadays I’am studying in electronics engineering polytechnic institute of surabaya (eepis) or in indonesian called politeknik elektronika negeri surabaya (pens) as an undergraduate student in mechatronics engineering. That is my favourite faculty, because I like robotics, programmer, mechanics, electronics, etc. And i will enjoy it.

Do you have a hobby? Yeah, I have too.

Adventure, that is my favourite hobby. Adventure is very happy activity, we can know about nature, plants, animals, culture, etc. My activity usually travelling, hiking, camping, out bond, and nongkrong (hang out).  Many activity about that do in the mountain. Some of the mountain that i went to, like Mahameru, Arjuno, Wilerang, Penanggungan, Mujur, Panderman, Bromo etc. But adventure what I mean not just having fun, I also do the conservation, reforestation, and cleaning the nature.

That’s the end of my introduction and I would say thank to your attention. Nice to met you my friends..
